In the name of ALLAH SWT, the Beneficent, the Merciful,





6184 is a "combination" number of Numerical Value of the word WAHID (the ONE).

WAHID = W, A, H, D = 6, 1, 8, 4


I call this: TABLE OF WAHID















+ 1

+ 8

+ 4

= 19




+ 9

= 10



+ 0

= 1



+ 84

= 145



+ 4

+ 5

= 10



+ 0

= 1



+ 4

= 622



+ 2

+ 2

= 10



+ 0

= 1























Fact 1


 Is Numerical Value of BASMALAH (Bismilahirrahmanirrahiim) the OPENING of Al-Qur'an  (Basmalah words contains of 19 Arabic alphabets)  

Fact 2

Column A, total sum = 685 = 6+8+5 = 19  

Fact 3

In column A you find: 6, 61, and 618.

6 61 618 = 19 x 34822.0000  

Fact 4

Both total sum col. A and B are not multiple 19. But when you connect these numbers, you can see:

685 786 = 19 x 36094.0000  

Fact 5

In col.B, you find: 19, 145, 622 . This combination isn't multiple 19. In the table of Wahid, you found that there are 3 probabilities of the ADDITION. Put number 3 in front of these numbers.

3 19 145 622 = 19 x 16797138.0000  

Fact 6

If you put all the numbers in col. c,d,e,and f together, this combination will give you multiple 19.

1 9 10 1 4 5 10 6 2 2 10 = 19 x 1005339529590.0000  

Fact 7

If you find that 786 is a Numerical Value of BASMALAH, the multiplication of first number of col. A (6) and col. B (19) will be the numbers of surah in Al-Qur'an .

6 X 19 = 114  

Fact 8

This is the LAST row of the addition.


+ 4

= 622



+ 2

+ 2

= 10



+ 0

= 1


Put all of this number together. They are multiple 19.

618 4 622 6 2 2 10 1 0 1 = 19 x 32550645379479.0000

Multiple 19 supported by 3 Attributes of ALLAH

Fact 9

This is the FIRST row of the addition.


+ 1

+ 8

+ 4

= 19




+ 9

= 10



+ 0

= 1


If you put all of this number together. It isn't multiple 19.

Let us put first Attribute (19) in before of these number, and second (99) Attribute of ALLAH after these numbers.

19 6 1 8 4 19 1 9 10 1 0 1 99 = 19 x 1032548378474221.0000  

Fact 10

1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 --- these are all the numbers from table g,h,and i. They are not multiple 19.

Let us put first Attribute (19) before these numbers, and second (99) and third (66) Attribute of ALLAH after these numbers.

19 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 99 66 = 19 x10053211106314.0000  

Fact 11

Put all the numbers from col. A and B together. It isn't multiple 19. Let us put first Attribute (19), second (99) and third (66) Attribute of ALLAH after these numbers.

6 61 618 19 145 622 19 99 66 = 19 x 3482201007664326314.0000  



The relation of 6184 with all the things around ISLAM 

1. With Prophet Muhammad s.a.w (as a Chosen One to bring Islam to the human kind)

The Numerical Value of name MUHAMMAD is:

Muhammad = Mim, Ha, Mim, Dal = 40+8+40+4= 92

40 8 40 4 - the Combination of Numerical Value

92 - the Total  Numerical Value

Fact 1

40 8 40 4 + 92 = 408496

6184 408496 = 19 x 325495184.0000

Fact 2

The First Revelation came to the Prophet s.a.w in the age 40

6184  40 408496 = 19 x 32549495184.0000

Fact 3

40 x 408496 = 16339840

6184 16339840 92 = 19 x 3254822841268.0000


Supported by Al-Qur'an

Special Fact 1

The First Surah of Al-Qur'an is Surah 1;7 verses, The Last Surah is surah 114;6 verses --- we get:; 171146

6184 92 171146 = 19 x 32552219534.0000

Special Fact 2

6+1+8+4 = 19

Muhammad = Mim, Ha, Mim, Dal = 40 8 40 4 -- the combination of Numerical Value

The Last surah of Al-Qur'an is surah 114

6184 19 408404 114 = 19 x 32548389916006.0000


Supported by 2 ATTRIBUTES of ALLAH

Special Fact 3

Here I use 19 and 99 as First and Second Attribute of ALLAH

19 6184 408404 99 = 19 x 1032549517921.0000


Supported by surah 57:3 where we can find the meaning of 19

Special Fact 4

The meaning of 19 we can find in surah 57:3  

6184 57 92 3 = 19 x 32550417.0000


The relation of 6184 with the name "MUHAMMAD" and the History of Muhammad s.a.w

With the year of his birth and the year  of his death.

Special Fact 5

The prophet was born in the year 570, and his death: 632

  6184 408404 570 632 = 19 x 325495179187928.0000


With the  age and the year of the first Revelation

Special Fact 6

The prophet s.a.w got the first Revelation in the age  40, in the year 610

6184 40 408404 610 = 19 x 32549495179190.0000


With the  age and the year of HEGIRA (Hijrah)

Special Fact 7

The prophet s.a.w was Hegira from Makkah to Madinah in the age  52, in the year 622

6184 52 408404 622 = 19 x 32550126758138.0000


With the  age and the year of his Death

The prophet s.a.w was passed away in the age  62, in the year 632

6184 62 408404 632= 19 x 32550653073928.0000

(Note that the numbers represent the First Revelation, Hegira, and his death are in the same position !!)


With the  4 most IMPORTANT years and age in Muhammad s.a.w history

The prophet was born in the year 570 

The prophet s.a.w got the first Revelation in the age  40, in the year 610

The prophet s.a.w was Hegira from Makkah to Madinah in the age  52, in the year 622

The prophet s.a.w was passed away in the age  62, in the year 632

6184 408404 570 40 610 52 622 62 632 92 

= 19 x 32549517918791611080327698068.0000

570+ 40+ 610+ 52+ 622+ 62+ 632 = 2588

6184 408404 92 2588 = 19 x 325495179206452.0000

(Note that the numbers represent his history are in the correct order - Start from the Birth, End is his death - can't reverse !!)


6184, Muhammad s.a.w and ISLAM

Num. Value of ISLAM = Alif, Sin, Lam, Alif, Mim = 1, 60, 30,1, 40 = 132

6184 132 92 = 19 x 32548068.0000


6184 represent the ONE and TAUHID




Praise to ALLAH the Almighty the Creator of the Universe
Blessings and Peace on the Muhammad s.a.w, his Family, and his Companions.