The Dhikr and 19 Prophet Muhammad (saw) taught us 4 words of DHIKR
Subhanallah Al Hamdu
lillaah Allahu
Akbar Laa ilaha
So this is what we found: Subhanallah
33 times
Al Hamdu lillaah 33times
Allahu Akbar
33 times 33 33 33 1
The addition of
the individual number or repetition Let's find the
187 In ONE day, Muslims
recite 94 times "Allahu Akbar"
in their 5 times Shalaat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is the relation of this number to shalaat? just add this number to the raka'ats / day.
165 148 is even number no 74. Surah 74 is where we can find the word "NINETEEN".
148 + 187 =
335 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 289 is also
the Numerical Value of Ar - Rahiim (Most Merciful)-- 289 is divisible by 17 = 289 =17 x 17 Muslims
recite ALLAHU AKBAR 94 times ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In one day, one word repeated 33 times and 1 time / Salaat. There are 5 times of Salaat / day.Subhanallah
x 33
x 5 = 30855 30855 +24420+ 47685+ 825=103785 There are 17 raka'ats* / day 103785 / 17 = 6105 6105
is divisible by
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is so INTERESTING.
is divisible by 33.
OR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 33 = 132
165 -
99 = 66 Or, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Numerical Value of the Initial of surah 19
The combination of the Numerical Value is a Multiple of 19 20 5 10 70 90 = 19 x 10795110.0000
33+ 33+ 34 = 100
= 19 x 17543900
.0000 There are 3 words
33 times repetition. 988
What do we got from this? Surah 98 consists of 8 verses. 988 = 19 x 52.0000 The word "Al-Bayyinah" repeated 19 times in Al-Qur'an
The one and only surah that has
98 verses in surah 19. The word ALLAH appear in surah 98 = 8 times Surah 98:8 "Their reward is with Allah: Gardens of Eternity, beneath which rivers flow; they will dwell therein for ever; Allah well pleased with them, and they with Him: all this for such as fear their Lord and Cherisher." Laa ilaha illallah consists of 12 letters Total letters for those 4 words: 9 + 8 + 8 + 12= 37 ...so what? .....37 is ODD number no 19
The numerical Value of DHIKR ذِّكْرُ
920 = 92 x
10 The same value we can find by adding the first letter of the 4 words Subhanallah (First letter = SIN = 60) Al Hamdu lillaah (First letter = ALIF = 1) Allahu Akbar (First letter = ALIF = 1) Laa ilaha
(First letter = LAM = 30)
THE TABLE OF THE DHIKR In fact. there are 2 Numerical Value of Muhammad plus the number of Surah Muhammad (47) CODED from the table of four DHIKR.
Another Miracle: The column
1 produces
. The column 3 produces
47. The column
7 produces
= 19 x 10123568 .0000
After Shalat,
ten times each word (10 +10+10) Which is give
you Those numbers will give you a multiple of 19 10 10 10 30 5 150 = 19 x 5316331850 .0000
ten times, ten times, ten times = 30 30 150 1500 = 19 x 15868500 .0000
FOUND NOT ONLY IN AL-QUR'AN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"He Who has made everything which He has created most good" Holy Quran 32:7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||