ISLAM and the International Alphabet Number Value ( IANV)
In Pythagorean Numbers Value, we can see how
the Mathematical Miracle found not only
in Arabic, but also in English as the International Language. Below is another
system to find
the Number Value. I call this International Alphabet Number Value. Let us see
Creates all things and He put the Islam sign in His Creatios.
The Table of International Alphabet Number Value (IANV)
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
Note :
= Arabic Numerical ValueIANV
= International Alphabet Number Valueexample:
A = 1, B = 2, C = 3 ----- ABC = 1+2+3 = 6
IANV ALLAH = 1+12+12+1+8 = 34
Combination of IANV ALLAH= 1121218
IANV MUHAMMAD = 13+21+8+1+13+13+1+4= 74
Combination of IANV MUHAMMAD= 132181131314
IANV = 20 + 18 + 21 + 5 = 64
Combination of IANV= 2018215
IANV =14+9+14+5 +20+5+5+14= 86
Combination of IANV = 149145205514
Put the IANVs before the combinations
64 86 2018215 149145205514 = 19 x 356905890658574343448.0000
IANV ALLAH = 1+12+12+1+8= 34
Combination of IANV ALLAH= 1121218
(add each individual of numbers together: 1+1+2+1+2+1+8 = 16 --- 16 is Pythagorean NV of ALLAH and ONE)
ONE (wahid)
IANV ONE = 15+14+5= 34 (Same value as ALLAH)
Combination of IANV ONE = 15145
(add each individual of numbers together: 1+5+1+4+5 = 16 --- 16 is Pythagorean NV of ALLAH and ONE)
Seems to be 16 and 34 are a very special numbers. What happen to these numbers?
16 34 = 19 x 86.0000 -- 86 is also the IANV of NINETEEN
16 is EVEN number no 8
34 is EVEN number no 17
8 17 = 19 x 43.0000
Arabic NV, Comb. IANV, and IANV of ALLAH
Combination Arabic NV of ALLAH = 1 30 30 5 (Alif, Lam,Lam,HA)
Combination of IANV ALLAH = 1121218
130305 1121218 34 = 19 x 6858163795886.0000
IANV MUHAMMAD = 13+21+8+1+13+13+1+4= 74
Combination of IANV MUHAMMAD= 132181131314
(add each individual of numbers together: 1+3+2+1+8+1+1+3+1+3+1+4=
is Pythagorean NV of MUHAMMAD)
74 and 29 is special numbers
74 29 = 19 x 391.0000
Please note:
The IANV of MUHAMMAD = 74, Which is the mirror of surah Muhammad (47)
The Pythagorean NV of Muhammad = 29, which is the mirrror of Arabic NV of Muhammad (92)
Arabic NV and Comb. IANV of MUHAMMAD
Arabic NV of name MUHAMMAD = 92
Combination of IANV of MUHAMMAD = 132181131314
92 132181131314 = 19 x 4849062164806.0000
Arabic NV and IANV of ALLAH and Comb. of IANV of MUHAMMAD
Combination Arabic NV of ALLAH = 1 30 30 5
Combination of IANV ALLAH = 1121218
Combination of IANV of MUHAMMAD = 132181131314
130305 1121218 132181131314 = 19 x 68581637958849062164806.0000
Muhammad s.a.s was born in Makkah. They call Makkah as MECCA
IANV MECCA=13+5+3+3+1=25
Combination of IANV MECCA= 135331
Arabic NV of Muhammad = 92, and the combination = 408404
Put those numbers before the combination of IANV
92 408404 135331= 19 x 4863600217649.0000
In the year 570, the Prophet s.a.s ( 92 408404) was born in Mecca (135331)
570 92 408404 135331 = 19 x 3004863600217649.0000
In the year 622, the Prophet s.a.s Exodus (hijra) from Makkah to Madinah. They call Madinah as MEDINA.
IANV MEDINA=13+5+4+9+14+1 = 46
Combination of IANV MEDINA= 13549141
Put IANV Mecca (25) and Medina (46) together
25 46 = 19 x 134.0000
Put the combination of IANV Mecca and Medina together.
Put the year of Hijra (622) before the numbers, and the Arabic Numerical Value
with the combination
(92 408404) of Muhammad after the numbers
622 135331 13549141 92 408404
= 19 x 327439647966048115389916.0000
Subtract the combination IANV Medina (13549141) to the combination IANV Mecca (135331)
13549141 - 135331 = 13413810 = 19 x 705990.0000
13549141 + 135331= 13819803
With this result, put the Arabic NV of Muhammad (92) before the numbers and the combination (408404) after.
92 13819803 408404 = 19 x 484937884389916.0000
IANV AHMAD = 1+8+13+1+4=27
Combination of IANV AHMAD= 181314
Put the Combination of IANV MUHAMMAD and AHMAD together.
132181131314 181314 =19 x 6956901648114806.0000
IANV Muhammad (74) and Ahmad (27)
74 27 isn't multiple 19
Put Arabic NV Muhammad (92) in between
74 92 27 = 19 x 39433.0000
In Pythagorean Number Value ( PNV) we found the Comb. PNV of AHMAD = 18414
In International Alphabet, the Comb. IANV of AHMAD = 181314
181314 + 18414 =199728 = 19 x 10512.0000
IANV ISLAM = 9+19+12+1+13= 54
Combination of IANV ISLAM = 91912113
Comb. Arabic NV of ISLAM = 16030140
Arabic NV of ISLAM = 132
IANV of ISLAM = 54
Comb. ANV of ISLAM = 91912113
16030140 132 54 91912113 =19 x 8436915859236416427.0000
Arabic NV of MUHAMMAD = 92
Combination of IANV of MUHAMMAD = 132181131314
IANV of ISLAM = 54
Comb. ANV of ISLAM = 91912113
92 132181131314 74 54 91912113
=19 x 4849062164806039236416427.0000
IANV JESUS=10+5+19+21+19=74
Combination of IANV JESUS=105192119
Fact 1:
The IANV of Jesus a.s is the same value as Muhammad s.a.s = 74
Fact 2:
Not only the IANV, if you put IANV and the combination of IANV JESUS
and MUHAMMAD together,
you'll find multiple 19
105192119 74
132181131314 74 =
=19 x 55364273548064111217446.0000
Fact 3:
Put IANV and the combination of IANV ISLAM after JESUS and
Again, you'll find multiple 19.
105192119 74 | 132181131314 74 | 91912113 54 |
=19 x 553642735480641112174460483747966.0000
IANV ABRAHAM = 1+2+18+1+8+1+13=44
Combination of IANV ABRAHAM= 121818113
13519195147518 105 | 91912113 54 | 121818113 44 |
=19 x 553642735480641112174460483747966.0000
121818113 44 | 132181131314 74 |
=19 x 64114796548064111217446.0000
121818113 44 | 132181131314 74 | 91912113 54 |
=19 x 641147965480641112174460483747966.0000
IANV ISAAC =9+19+1+1+3=33
Combination of IANV ISAAC=919113
IANV =9+19+8+13+1+5+12=67
Combination of IANV =9198131512
919113 33 | 9198131512 67 | 161815168520 98 | 91912113 54 |
=19 x 4837438627358586908797990272027420483747966.0000
IANV FIRST = 6+9+18+19+20=72
Combination of IANV FIRST=69181920
IANV REVELATION = 18+5+22+5+12+1+20+9+15+14=121
Combination of IANV REVELATION =1852251212091514
We all know, the first revelation came to our beloved
Prophet Muhammad s.a.s
is surah 96 ( Al-Alaq ). Put 96 before the IANV and the combination IANV of
FIRST REVELATION, and put the Arabic Numerical Value of MUHAMMAD ( 92) after the
96 69181920 72 1852251212091514 121 92
=19 x 50890431161693959216905744811168.0000
The IANV of REVELATION is 121. If you put 96 before this number, you'll find it multiple 19
96 121 =19 x 50590000 --- 5 + 5 + 9 = 19
(The first revelation came to Prophet s.a.s is
surah Al-Alaq or surah 96 from verse 1 to 5.
There are 19 words from verse 1 to 5. Also, surah 96 = 19
The Prophet Muhammas s.a.s, was the chosen one for the First Revelation.
Put the Combination NV and Arabic NV of Muhammad (408404 92) before IANV and the combination IANV of FIRST REVELATION,
408404 92 69181920 72 1852251212091514 121
=19 x 214949961535890564308013221689027059.0000
MECCA is the place ALLAH SWT chose for the first revelation. It was happened when the prophet 40 years old, in the year 610.
Put IANV and the combination IANV MECCA, before the IANV and the combination IANV of FIRST REVELATION, and put 40 and 610 after the numbers
135331 25 69181920 72 1852251212091514 12140 610
=19 x 7122697732536424851853953747850074323190.0000
The IANV of FIRST = 72. The IANV of REVELATION= 121
72 121 - 92 = 72029 = 19 x 3791.0000
I choose the word EXODUS for HIJRA of the Prophet s.a.s
IANV EXODUS = 5+24+15+4+21+19=88
Combination of IANV EXODUS = 5241542119
The exodus of the Prophet and the followers from Mecca to
Medina was in the year 622.
Put 622 before the IANV and the combination IANV of EXODUS
622 5241542119 88
=19 x 32764429169052.0000
By that time, the Prophet was 52 years old.
Put 52 before the IANV and the combination IANV of EXODUS instead
52 5241542119 88
=19 x 2764429169052.0000
IANV OF DEATH = 4+5+1+20+8= 38
Combination of IANV =451208
The death of the Prophet was in the year 632
Put 632 and the Arabic NV of Muhammad (92) after the IANV and the combination IANV of DEATH
451208 38 632 92
=19 x 237478098068.0000
By that time, the Prophet was 62 years old.
Put the Arabic NV of Muhammad (92)and 62 before the IANV and the
combination IANV of DEATH
92 62 451208 38
=19 x 48749743202.0000
It is a surprise for me when I know a good relationship between Birth and Death in IANV. Let us see.
IANV BIRTH =2+9+18+20+8=57 --- 57 = 19 x 3
Combination of IANV BIRTH = 2918208
IANV DEATH = 4+5+1+20+8= 38 --- 38 = 19 x 2
Combination of IANV DEATH = 451208
If you put together the combination and the IANV of BIRTH and DEATH you'll find:
2918208 57 451208 38
=19 x 1535899249743202.0000
Multiple 19 !!
Now, Substract the combination IANV BIRTH to the combination IANV DEATH.
2918208 - 451208 = 2467000 ---- 2 + 4 + 6 + 7= 19
In Pythagorean Number Value, we found PNV MUSLIM is same
value as MOSLEM ( 24 )
Now how about IANV.
IANV MUSLIM =13+21+19+12+13=78
Combination IANV MUSLIM = 1321191213
IANV MOSLEM=13+15+19+5+13=65
Combination IANV MOSLEM = 131519513
Put together the combination IANV of MUSLIM and MOSLEM you'll find 19 digits and multiple 19
1321191213 131519513
=19 x 69536379638501027.0000
Subtract the combination IANV of MUSLIM to MOSLEM
1321191213 - 131519513 =1189671700 = 19 x 62614300.0000
The IANV of Muslim = 78, Moslem = 65. Put IANV ISLAM (54) before these numbers.
54 78 65 =19 x 28835.0000
I'll update this page -InsyaALLAH
Praise to ALLAH the Almighty the Creator of the Universe
Blessings and Peace on the Muhammad s.a.w, his Family, and his Companions.