Prophet Muhammad  
  in the Gospel of Barnabas 

One day, I found a book with the title " The gospel of Barnabas" (complete with Chapters and Verses).
 I found there are 14 times the name Muhammad found in the book.
The gospel of Barnabas has been discussed and debated since it was found (478 AD ). The Muslims claim it was the most almost original gospel ever found. The Christians accused it was made or created  by Muslims. Why? because
almost all things inside it parallel to ISLAM, include the name Muhammad was predicted  by Jesus a.s to come to the earth, and he also mentioned the Muhammad s.a.s as the Messiah not him self. Is the gospel wrote by Barnabas himself, or a Muslim as they accused?

In my research, I found many strange ( if not miracles) things in this gospel include it's history.
Please note, if I found the Mathematical Miracles about this gospel, that doesn't mean the gospel is as
authentic as Al-Qur'an. Here you can see how ALLAH arrange the position of the name (Muhammad) inside
the gospel and preserved them. Also you can see the good relationship among Jesus, Barnabas, Islam and Muhammad s.a.s.

Click here for the short biography of Barnabas :
The chapter Index (but not with verses) :
The accuse :
A Muslim answer :

Here for :The Chapters where the name MUHAMMAD found

 found: 23 January 2001---Updated 3 February 2001 

This page is about the name of Muhammad inside the gospel of Barnabas.
So please keep in mind: 
The Numerical Value of the name (Muhammad)
 = Mim, Ha', Mim, Dal =
40+8+40+4 = 92
The Combination of Numerical Value is: 408404.

The facts !!

The Gospel was found on the dead body of Barbabas in the year 478 AD.
Inside the gospel found many things paralel to Islam, include the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad will
come to this earth by Jesus a.s.
The first revelation to the Prophet Muhammad is in the year 610 AD. How many years between
the fisrt revelation to the year the gospel was found?

610 - 478 = 132 (year)

Put all of those numbers together
610 478 132= 19 x 32130428.0000

The name Barnabas is represented by the Numerical Value of Barnabas, which is can be found in 
International Alphabet Numbers Value ( IANV) where, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc.
IANV of Barnabas =2+1+18+14+1+2+1+19=58
The Combination of IANV = 21181412119
And so Jesus. IANV of  JESUS=10+5+19+21+19=74
The Combination of IANV = 105192119

Please visit :

 Add the IANV of Jesus to the IANV of Barnabas

74 + 58 = 132

The Question is, why 132?
132 is the the Arabic Numerical Value of ISLAM !!
ISLAM= Alif, Sin,Lam, Alif, Mim =1+30+60+1+40=132

 Put the combination of IANV Jesus and Barnabas together and put the numbers of chapter of the gospel (222), followed by NV Muhammad (92)

105192119 21181412119 222  92= 19 x 55364273269375853259068.0000

The years are 610 and 478.
The IANVs are 74 and 58
The Combination of Numerical Value of Muhammad is: 408404.

610  478 408404 74  58 = 19 x 321304425476182.0000

The IANV of  JESUS = 74
IANV of Barnabas = 58
The gospel is 222 chapters.

74  58 222 = 19 x 392538.0000 

The gospel is 222 chapters.
222 - 58 = 164
- 74 = 148
164 +
148 =312

312 132 = 19 x 16428.0000 

16428 92 = 19 x 86468.0000 

Jesus, Barnabas and Prime Numbers

 The IANV of Jesus is 74.
These are the smallest 74 Prime Numbers

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73

 The IANV of Barnabas  is 58.
These are the smallest 58 Prime Numbers

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53

Put all the primes together, and put 222 as the numbers of chapter in the Gospel before the numbers

222 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53
= 19 x 11696616375353643838493375972387348251143808269016694333121775864987.0000

 The Last number of   the smallest 74 Prime Numbers is,

 The Last number of   the smallest 58 Prime Numbers is,

73 53 =   19 x 387.0000 

The IANV of  JESUS = 74
IANV of Barnabas = 58
 The Last number of   the smallest 74 Prime Numbers is,
 The Last number of   the smallest 58 Prime Numbers is,

74 58  73 53  isn't a multiple of 19

Put the Num Value of Islam ( 132 ) and Num Value of Muhammad ( 92 ) before the numbers.

132 92 74 58  73 53 = 19 x 69961820387.0000 


The Table of:
Muhammad in the gospel of Barnabas.

No   Chapter  Verses Ch + Ver
1  39  14 53
2 39  16 55
3 39  25 64
4 41 33 74
5 44 30 74
6 54 9 63
7 55 19 74
8 97 16 113
9 97 18 115
10 97 19 116
11 112 17 129
12 136  18 154
13 163 8 171
14 220 20 240
105 1233   262   1495

 Fact 1 

The Name was found in 10 Chapters and 14 verse
 3 times in chapter 39 and 3 times in surah 97 

3 39 3 97 = 19 x 17863.0000

Put the combination of NV Muhammad before the result 
408404  17863= 19 x 2149495677.0000

Fact 2

The IANV of  JESUS = 74
IANV of Barnabas = 58
 The name found 3 times in chapter 39 and 3 times in surah 97 
The gospel is 222 chapters.

74 58 39 97 222= 19 x 3925473538.0000

 Can you see something?  3925473538

 92 is the Num. Value of Muhammad
47 is no. of SURAH Muhammad in Al-Qur'an
38 is the number of VERSES
of SURAH Muhammad 
Coincidece? No !!

Let us seperate that numbers
3925473538   to  3535 92 47 38 = 19 x 186101302.0000

The facts from  the one Column

Fact 3

 The Name is in the 14 verses ( or the numbers from col. No. )

92 408404 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14= 19 x 48636002170240415316374806.0000

Fact 4

These are the numbers from column Chapter + sum
It will give you a multiple of 19.

39 39 39 41 44 54 55 97 97 97 112 136  163 220 1233
= 19 x 20733653392345252524795861138536907.0000

Fact 5

These are the numbers from column  Verses
and NV Muhammad after the numbers

14 16 25 33 30 9 19 16 18 19 17 188 20 92= 19 x 74539648995745358903783268.0000

The facts from  the two Columns

Fact 6

These are the numbers from column No. and Chapter
 and the combination of NV Muhammad  before the numbers

408404 1 39 2 39 3 39 4 41 5 44 6 54 7 55 8 97 9 97 10 97 11 112 12 136 13 163 14 220  
= 19 x 21494954696807339028666039784105111037426953755858753380.0000

Fact 7

Let us put the Verses first before the Chapter  and put the  combination and the NV Muhammad  before the numbers

14 16 25 33 30 9 19 16 18 19 17 188 20 39 39 39 41 44 54 55 97 97 97 112 136  163 220 40840492
= 19 x 7453964899574535890378326523126007607663051563748085069581096868.0000

The facts from  the three Columns

Fact 8

 This are the numbers from Col. Chapters, Verses, and Chapters+Verses 
Together with their sum followed by the NV of Muhammad. Vertically orders

39 39 39 41 44 54 55 97 97 97 112 136  163 220 1233 14 16 25 33 30 9 19 16 18 19 17 188
262 53 55 64 74 74 63 74 113 115 116 129 154 171 240 1495 92

= 19 x 20733653392345252524795861138536907007453964899574535890378

The facts from  the four Columns

Fact 9

These are the numbers from 4 columns   and the combination  NV Muhammad before the numbers

408404 1  39 14  53 2 39 16 55 3 39 25 64 4 4 1 33  74 5 44 30 74 6 54 9 63 7 55 19 74 8 97 16 113 9 97 18
115 10 97 19 116 11 112 17 129 12 136  18 154 13 163 8 171 14 220 20 240 105 1233 262 1495

= 19 x 214949546918591535028101349705967081279340289282922092051137442090427


Updated 3 February 2001 

 I found an interesting thing when I tried to search the link between the name MUHAMMAD
inside the gospel and inside the Al-Qur'an.

The table of surahs where the name "MUHAMMAD" inside the Qur'an

No Surah Verse Surah+Verses
1 3 144 147
2 33 40 73
3 47 2 49
4 48 29 7
10 131 215      276

This is the CHAPTERS where we can find name MUHAMMAD in the gospel of Barnabas

39, 41, 44, 54, 55, 97, 112, 136, 163, 220
Addition : 39+ 41+ 44+ 54+ 55+ 97+ 112+ 136+ 163+ 220=961

This is the SURAHS where we can find name MUHAMMAD in Al_Qur'an

Surah 3, 33, 47, and 48
Addition : 3 + 33 + 47 + 48 =

961 + 131 = 1092 or 1 and 92
1 represent TAUHID, and 92 ris the Numerical Value of MUHAMMAD

961 x 131 = 125891
125891 - 92 = 125799 = 19 x 6621.0000

This is the VERSES where we can find name MUHAMMAD in the gospel of Barnabas

14, 16, 25, 33, 30, 9, 19, 16, 18, 19, 17, 18, 8, 20
Addition : 14+ 16+ 25+ 33+ 30+ 9+ 19+ 16+ 18+ 19+ 17+ 18+ 8+ 20= 262

This is the VERSES where we can find name MUHAMMAD in Al_Qur'an

144, 40, 2, 29
Addition : 144+ 40+ 2+ 29=215

262 - 215 = 47

You know already that 47 is SURAH MUHAMMAD in Al-Qur'an

These are the numbers from the SUM where we can find name MUHAMMAD in the gospel of Barnabas

105 1233   262   1495

105 + 1233 + 262 + 1495 = 3095

These are the numbers from the SUM where we can find name MUHAMMAD in  in Al_Qur'an

10 131 215      276

10 + 131 + 215 + 276 = 632

3095 632= 19 x 162928 .0000

Praise to ALLAH the Almighty Creator of the Universe
Blessings and Peace on the Muhammad s.a.w, his Family, and his Companions.

Links to the "Gospel of Barnabas"
