Mathematical MIRACLE One day, I
visited a Web Page about mathematical structure of the shahadah. In that
page, the author rejected the second shahada (Muhammad Rasulullah)
because its combination of Numerical Value isn't a multiple of 19. Last Update : 19 February 2004 The first Pillar of Islam is Shahadah, the declaration with full conviction of mind and heart that Allah is the one and only diety and that Muhammad (pbuh) is His servant and messenger. Belief in Allah does not require approval or acceptance from anyone but Allah. The person who utters this testimony with sincerety and conviction immediately comes into the fold of the Muslims and Islam. However, it is quite common for new reverts to Islam to declare Shahadah in the company of two Muslim witnesses. These are the KEY WORDS of Shahadah. The First Shahadah: lailaha ilaLLAH The Second Shahadah: Muhammad Rasulullah
The Numerical Value of the First Shahadah laailaha
ilaLLAH Fact 1: Will you believe me if I
say that the First Shahada is Contains of The BEAUTIFUL NAMES of ALLAH Separate Lailaha Ila with ALLAH, and count each Numerical Value. LAAILAHA ILA ALLAH Fact 2: TheCOMBINATION of the Numerical Value of LAILAHA ILAALLAH Is a Multiple of 19 !! 30113051301130305 = 19 x 1584897436901595.0000 Fact 3: Look at the frequency of the numbers appear. Put the numbers HORIZONTALLY together 30 5 1 5 5 2 = 19 x 160608.0000 Fact 4: The Numerical Value of Lailaha Ila is The Numerical Value of ALLAH is The Numerical Value of LAILAHA ILALLAH is 99 66 165 = 19 x 524535.0000 The Numerical Value of the Second Shahadah Muhammad
Rasulullah Fact 5: Put the Numerical Value of Muhammad before NV Second shahadah 92 454 = 19 x 4866.0000
Fact 6: The Combination
of Numerical Value of Second Shahada, is not a Multiple of 19. 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 = 19 X 2149495792664743700.2632... 92=
The Numerical value of Muhammad Supported By: Fact 7: 1. Devine Being of ALLAH 19 - represent Tauhid Number 99 - represent The Beautiful Names of ALLAH 66 - represent HIS Name (ALLAH) (ALLAH = Alif, Lam, Lam, Ha = 1, 30, 30, 5 = 66) 6184 - represent His Devine Being "WAHID (ONE)" (WAHID = Wau, Alif, Ha, Dal = 6, 1, 8, 4) Found: 19 99 66 6184 Put all of these 4 Devine Being after the combination number. 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 19 99 66 6184 = 19 X 21494957926647437002736824536.0000 Fact 8: 2. Al Qur'an Surah Muhammad = surah 47;38 verses The last surah in Al Qur'an is surah 114;6 verses Found: 47 38 114 6 Put all of those numbers after the combination number. 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 47 38 114 6 = 19 X 214949579266474370028809534.0000 Fact 9: 3. Prophethood The 25th prophet is prophet Muhammad saw. Numerical Value MUHAMMAD = 92 Found: 25 92 Put all of those numbers after the combination number. 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 25 92 = 19 X 19 x 1131313575086707210672.0000 Fact 10: 4. Shalat (Prayer) The combination number of rakaats a day = 2,4,4,3,4 Total rakaats a day = 17 rakaats In Friday = 15 rakaats Found: 24434 17 15 Put all of those numbers after the combination number. 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 24434 17 15 = 19 X 2149495792664743700276017985.0000 Fact 11: There are 4 the most Important
year in the life of the Holy Prophet. 5. Prophet's year of birth and his year of Prophethood The Year of birth: 570 AD The first revelation (prophethood): 610 AD Found: 570 610 Put all of those numbers after the combination number. 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 570 610 = 19 X 2149495792664743700293190.0000 Fact 12: 6. The year of HIJRA and the death of the Prophet The Year of HIJRA: 622 AD The year of the death: 632 AD Found: 622 632 Put all of those numbers after the combination number. 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 622 632 = 19 X 2149495792664743700295928.0000 Fact 13: 7. The Numerical Value of ISLAM ISLAM = Alif (1) + Sin (60)+ Lam (30) + Alif (1) + Mim (40) = 132 132 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 = 19 X 696886337897927901595.0000 The FIRST SHAHADA and the SECOND SHAHADA Fact 14: The total numerical value of the The FIRST SHAHADA: 165 The total numerical value of the SECOND SHAHADA: 454 Add those numbers. 165 + 454 = 619 619
is prime numbers no 114
(total chapters of Al-Qur'an) Surah 6verse 19 says: Qul ayyu shay-in akbaru shahadatan quli Allahu shaheedun baynee wabaynakum waoohiya ilayya hatha alqur-anu li-onthirakum bihi waman balagha a-innakum latashhadoona anna maAAa Allahi alihatan okhra qul la ashhadu qul innama huwa ilahun wahidun wa-innanee baree-on mimma tushrikoona Say to them (O Muhammad) : 'Whose testimony is of the utmost essence?' Say : 'Allah is Witness between you and me. And this Qur'aan has been inspired in me so that I warn you with it, and warn whomsoever it may reach! Do you purport to bear witness that there are other gods besides Allah?' Say : 'I bear no such witness to any such gods!' Say : 'He is One God, and I renounce those whom you set up as His equals!' Surah 61verse 9 says:
Huwa allathee arsala rasoolahu bialhuda wadeeni alhaqqi liyuthhirahu AAala alddeeni kullihi walaw kariha almushrikoona He it is who has sent His messenger with the guidance and a religion based upon the Truth so that He might bring all the other religions into its fold, however much the idolaters are averse to it! Surah 96 verse 1is the very first verse for the Prophet (saw) Iqra/ bi-ismi rabbika allathee khalaqa
Read! : In the name of your Lord who created
This Surah has two parts: the first part consists of verses. 1-5, and the second of verses. 6-19. About the first part a great majority of the Islamic scholars are agreed that it forms the very first Revelation to be sent down to the Holy Prophet
Fact 15: Now
put the Combination of NV of First Shahada, followed by theCombination
of NV of Second shahada, 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 30 30 5 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 165 454 = 19 x 158489743690159502149495792664743700271866.0000 Fact 16: Put the combination of numerical value MUHAMMAD in between 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 3030 5 408404 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 = 19 x 158489743690159502149496886337897927901595.0000 Fact 17: The prophet was born in the year 570 The prophet s.a.w got the first Revelation in the age 40, in the year 610 The prophet s.a.w was Hegira from Makkah to Madinah in the age 52, in the year 622 The prophet s.a.w was passed away in the age 62, in the year 632 Put all the numbers above in between and put total Numerical Value of Muhammad after the numbers 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 30 30 5 570 40 610 52 622 62 632 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 92 = 19 x 15848974369015950300213739611717174951791684529632264768.0000 Fact 18: Surah Muhammad is surah No. 47:38 Verses. Put this number in between, and put the Combination and Total numberical Value MUHAMMAD after the numbers 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 3030 5 47 38 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 92 408404 = 19 x 158489743690159502493899160105582263843715389916.0000 Fact 19: The Holy Prophet Muhammad got the first Revelation in Hira cafe in the age 40 in the year 610. Put this number in between, and put the Combination and Total numerical Value MUHAMMAD after the numbers 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 3030 5 40 610 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 92 408404 = 19 x 1584897436901595021373899160105582263843715389916.0000 Fact 20: The Holy Prophet Muhammad death in the age 62 in the year 632. Put this number in between, and put the Combination of numerical Value MUHAMMAD after the numbers 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 3030 5 62 632 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 408404 = 19 x 15848974369015950329644254758950559480542389916.0000 Fact 21: Total numerical value of ALLAH = 66 Total Numberical value of MUHAMMAD =92 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 3030 5 66 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 92 = 19 x 1584897436901595034951791684529632264768.0000 Fact 22: Do the same way as Fact 14, but put also their combination of numerical values 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 3030 5 66 130305 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 92 408404 = 19 x 1584897436901595034805423899160105582263843715389916.0000 Fact 23: One of the Attributes of Devine Being of ALLAH is WAHID (ONE) WAHID = Waw, Alif, Ha, Dal = 6,1,8,4 30 1 1 30 5 1 30 1 1 3030 5 6184 40 8 40 4 200 60 6 30 1 30 30 5 92 = 19 x 158489743690159503254951791684529632264768.0000
Llinks to Shahadah: http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/Discover/Pillars/Shahada_Main.htm http://www.islam-mauritius.org/shahada.htm http://www.muttaqun.com/shahada.html