92, 47, 38 and 177
An Amazing facts of ISLAM and Prime Numbers
Updated 21 October 2010

Where do I get number 177 from?

It is from:

92 as the Numerical Value of Prophet's name (Muhammad / m.h.m.d)

47 is number of surah MUHAMMAD

38 is total verses of surah MUHAMMAD

92 + 47 + 38 = 177

What is PRIME number no. 177?

It is:


I used Microsoft Excel to add all the PRIME numbers from 2 to 1051.


Updated 21 October 2010

92 is as the Numerical Value of Prophet's name (Muhammad / m.h.m.d)

53 is as the Numerical Value of Prophet's name (Ahmad / a.h.m.d)

8+53+92 = 153

853 is PRIME number.

853 is PRIME number no. 147

47 is number of surah MUHAMMAD

853 is also coming from 92, 47, 38

Have a look at this.

 Prime number no 92 is  479

 Prime number no 47 is  211

 Prime number no 38 is  163

479 +  211 + 163 = 853

853 is PRIME number no. 147


177 coming from 92, 47, 38.
Prime number no. 177 is 1051
Total addition prime numbers from 2 to 1051 = 85392

Prime no 92 is 479
Prime no 47 is 211
Prime no 38 is 163

If you add all the primes you will have 853

It seems irrational, but it's the fact.


Please visit this website for Prime numbers in Microsoft Excel format.


Allah the Almighty controlled everything.

Another Proof how numbers in Islam are connected to PRIME numbers.


Please email me for your comments. Thanks.





"He Who has made everything which He has created most good"
Holy Quran 32:7